WhirlWind - Since then Whirlwind
has been Upgraded
> more whirlwind.c
* Rampage command
* Date Creator Comment
* ------------ --------------- --------------------------------------
* -Unknown- Phantom Converted from kill command in player.c
* 2 Mar 95 Morgoth Made external
* 26 Apr 96 Agamemnon Fixed bug with multiple rampages
* 29 Apr 96 Agamemnon Rewrote from scratch to take advantage
* of the new "attack_cmd" inheritable
* 22 Dec 97 Hellbent Typo-fixed the setup messages.
* 18 Feb 98 Aurora Changed set_att_mess to be $targ$ instead
* of you in the second argument.
* Fighters complained that the initial
* room message made people think they were
* attacking them.
* 20 Feb 98 Darsis Lower level to get Rampage due to change
* to max level (down by 20%)
* 17 Jan 99 Darsis 100 gps, lowered damage cap
inherit CMD_BASE;
inherit "/cmds/guild/attack_cmd.c";
#define MIN_LEVEL 15
#define GP_COST 100
#define SKILL "fighting.combat.melee.unarmed"
#define MIN_BONUS 100
#define MAX_BONUS 450
int query_valid_use( object ob )
if( !ob->query_property( "com_list" ) ||
ob->query_property( "com_list" )["second"]
!= "whirlwind" ) return 0;
return 1;
int help( object me )
mixed ob;
ob = me->query_holding();
ob = (ob && sizeof(ob))? ob[0] : 0;
tell_object( me,
"Skill: Whirlwind\n"
"Usage: whirlwind \n"
"Minimum Level: "+MIN_LEVEL+" (overall)\n"
"GP Cost: 100\n"
"Current Rating: "+ querySDString(query_perc_mult
(me, ob), MAX_BONUS)+"\n"
" Whirlwind is a technique handed down generation to generation"
" of monks dealing with a series of rapid fire attacks"
" upon a group of opponents.\n" );
return 1;
protected int cmd( class command cmd )
if( !query_valid_use( cmd->user ) ) return 0;
if( cmd->arg == "help" ) return help( cmd->user );
if ( interactive( cmd->user ) )
cmd->arg = cmd->user->expand_nickname( cmd->arg );
::do_attack( cmd->user, cmd->arg );
return 1;
varargs int query_perc_mult( object me, object wpn ){
return (me->query_skill_bonus("fighting.combat.melee.unarmed" ) * 4 / 5);
int query_gp_cost( object me ) {
return GP_COST;
void create(){
set_min_level( MIN_LEVEL );
set_range( MIN_BONUS, MAX_BONUS );
set_multi_attacks( 1 );
set_fail_mess( ({
"You're already $cmd$ing someone!",
"You can't seem to find your target.",
"You cannot $cmd$ $targ$.",
"What do you expect to $cmd$ $targ$ with?",
"You are far too exhausted to $cmd$ $targ$",
"You are not a Budoka and cannot use this ability!",
"You are of insufficient level to execute the Whirlwind."
}) );
set_prep_mess( ({
"You prepare to $cmd$ about the place."
}) );
set_att_mess( ({
"You $cmd$ $targ$.",
"$me$ $cmd$s $targ$.",
"$me$ $cmd$s $targ$."
}) );
void dest_me() {